It’s clear that children’s dentistry can have long term effects on oral health. Dental phobias, however, can last a lifetime, resulting in crooked teeth, as well as multiple fillings and extractions. That’s why we create a calming and welcoming atmosphere at Epping Beyond Dental, so that your children never have to suffer from dental problems due to a lack of care.
We recommend that your children’s first appointment with our lovely dentist takes place at two years of age to ensure that their baby teeth are growing correctly. Regular follow-up appointments with our lovely dentist identify any problems with their teeth and jaw development. If noticed early enough, we can often correct these problems using minimally invasive treatments.

Children’s dental services at Epping Beyond Dental
Epping Beyond Dental provides a range of children’s dental services designed to prevent your children suffering tooth decay and potentially requiring dental surgery, as they become older. We use expert diagnostic, preventive and restorative dental techniques, as well as up to date and innovative dental technology to ensure that your children’s teeth receive the very best care possible.
Our paediatric services include your child’s first dental visit, as well as regular check-ups, general dentistry and some minor cosmetic dentistry, as follows:
Your child’s first dental visit
We make sure that your child is happy and comfortable while we check their baby teeth to make sure they are growing correctly.
Regular check-ups & clean: We recommend that your child attends regular check-ups every six months (or more regular if required) to ensure that their teeth continue to grow correctly.
Dental sealants for added protection: We recommend that your children receive dental sealants once their adult teeth come out, as this helps to prevent the growth of cavities in their teeth.
Emergency children’s dentistry: Sports and games can often result in falls or accidents that lead to dental issues. These can be easily repaired by our dentists.
Correcting mispositioned teeth: If you children’s teeth grow incorrectly, for example crooked teeth or an overbite, we can realign their teeth to give your child a bright happy smile.
Free dentistry for children up to $1,095
The Australian Government's CDBS scheme ensures that children receive free dental care. This free care is up to a maximum of $1,095 for basic dental services over a two-year period, if they fulfill the following criteria:
- Your child must be 2 to 17 years of age for at least one day during that year.
- Your child or yourself (parent) must be eligible for Medicare AND receive a payment from the government at least once a year.
You can find out more about the CDBS scheme here, but essentially the government’s free kid’s dentistry scheme includes the following:
- Dental x-rays
- Dental check-ups
- Teeth cleaning and fluoride treatments
- General treatments such as dental sealants, fillings and teeth extractions
Epping Beyond Dental’s child friendly dentist
With more than 25 years’ experience, Dr Juliana knows how to help children feel comfortable at the dentist. However, if your child is too anxious and upset, we also offer mild sedation to help them through their check-ups or treatments.
How to promote good oral health in your children
We believe that children’s dentistry should promote a calm and natural acceptance of oral hygiene, so we have a strong focus on preventative care. To get the most out of children’s dentistry, children should brush their teeth twice a day. Flossing is recommended as soon as their teeth have grown enough to close the gap between their teeth. Avoid sugary treats, encourage a healthy diet, and brush before bedtime.
Kid’s dentistry - Epping Beyond Dental - FAQ
We recommend that your children’s first appointment occurs no later than two years of age, as this helps us monitor their growing teeth and ensure correct alignment. However, it’s a good idea to bring them in earlier as familiarises your children with the dentist and our clinic, promoting a positive experience that is so important in young children.
It’s a great idea for parents to stay with their young children for their check-ups and surgery. However, as your children grow older, it’s actually better to permit unaccompanied visits, whilst you remain in the waiting room. You may be surprised at how independent your children can be when you allow them the freedom to manage their own dental appointments! We, of course, discuss their dental care with you, both before and after their visit.
These are a preventive treatment that helps prevent cavities. That’s because food and bacteria can become trapped in fissures or deep grooves on the teeth and result in numerous cavities. Dental sealants fill in these grooves, reducing the likelihood of cavities and decay forming. It’s a quick and easy treatment and doesn’t require any injections.
The short answer is yes! Even baby teeth can decay or become infected. These problems can negatively affect your children’s permanent teeth that are growing below their baby teeth, as well as causing pain. We recommend that you brush your children’s teeth daily, not only to keep their teeth clean, but to help them get used to the idea of healthy teeth!
We like to inspect your children’s teeth every six months, because this allows us to identify and fix any problems as quickly as possible.
Yes, dental X-Rays produce very little radiation and we only perfrom them when absolutely necessary. We take all recommended safety measures when performing X-Rays in our clinic.

What are Myobraces and
why does my child need them?
Myobraces are fitted by a Dr Juliana and are a no-braces approach to straightening your children’s teeth and jaws using a light force for realignment.
This approach avoids the use of real braces or even extractions to rectify poor alignment. Suitable for children between the ages of 3 and 15, Myobraces are worn for just 1 to 2 hours a day, as well as at night. Myobraces are a very cost-effective and child-friendly option when compared to traditional braces.
Myobraces have the following benefits for growing children:
- Optimal development of face, teeth and jaw
- Correct positioning of the lips
- Realigned teeth and jaws
- No more crooked teeth
- Poor dental habits minimised
- Nose breathing promoted
- Correct swallowing enhanced
- Tongue positioning optimised
What are palatal expanders and why does my child need them?
If your child has a small mouth with a narrow palette, a palatal expander may be the solution.
That’s because a palatal expander helps to stretch the bones and cartilage, reshaping and expanding the jaw at a time when the jaw is still developing and not permanently fused.

How to promote good oral health in your children
We believe that children’s dentistry should promote a calm and natural acceptance of oral hygiene, so we have a strong focus on preventative care. To get the most out of children’s dentistry, children should brush their teeth twice a day. Flossing is recommended as soon as their teeth have grown enough to close the gap between their teeth. Avoid sugary treats, encourage a healthy diet, and brush before bedtime.
Epping Beyond Detal’s child friendly dentist
With more than 25 years’ experience, Dr Juliana knows how to help children feel comfortable at the dentist.
However, if your child is too anxious and upset, we also offer mild sedation to help them through their check-ups or treatments.